Upcoming Events
Event: Temple Reyim T.O. Casino Night
When: Saturday, November 13th 7:45 PM-10:45 PM
Where: Temple Reyim, Newton (buses will leave from Temple Sinai)
Cost: $10 per person
Description: Each participant will recieve $50,000 (just fake money, don't get TOO excited) to play with, with opportunities to earn more throughout the night. At the end of the evening, chips and cash may be redeemed for awesome prizes.
RSVP and bus info: coming soon...
Event: NERUSY's annual Turkey Dance
When: Wednesday, November 24th 7:30 PM-11:30 PM
Where: Senior USYers will be at Temple Emanuel, Newton; Junior USYers will be at Temple Emeth, Chestnut Hill
Cost: $10 per USYer (does not include chapter transportation costs)
Description: A dance with USYers from all over the New England region of USY. DJ for Senior USYers is Sam Lurie. (I assume).
RSVP and bus info: coming soon...